February 18, 2025

Emirates City Community Park Updates (NOV-2019)

Emirates City Community Park Now Green!

Finally! Emirates City Community Park’s renovation gets started after almost a year and a half, since the park construction started in April 2018.

The Park updates can be summarised as below;

  • The Park gets connected to FEWA Water Line Supply
  • New Trees are planted all over the park.
  • Grass carpeting works started, may take a few days to become lush greener park.
  • Ground leveling and markings to be added to sports ground courtyards.

One thing that found strange. The park also facilitates sports ground courtyard for football, basketball or badminton, of which alongside generally safety grills are made and covered. But in Emirates City Community Park’s sports courtyards, the trees have been planted.

We hope there is a plan to cover it in the future.

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